Task_1 Automation
In this we integrate Git, GitHub, Jenkins and Docker. Use of these toll launch web-server.
Description of Task……….
If Developer push to dev branch then Jenkins will fetch from dev and deploy on dev-docker environment.
If Developer push to master branch then Jenkins will fetch from master and deploy on master-docke environment.
both dev-docker and master-docker environment are on different docker containers.
Manually the QA team will check (test) for the website running in dev-docker environment. If it is running fine then Jenkins will merge the dev branch to master branch and trigger #job 2
Given task solve some steps…..
Step1:- Create a workspace and write code upload on the GitHub
step2: Create first job developer branch
In this step we create a job to copy the code on github and run the developer branch code use of docker web-server deploy the code on the web page.
#sudo cp -v -r -f * /root/
use this command copy the code in the github.
#docker ps -a
This command show all the running docker containers.
This command use to search the containers/file.
#sudo docker run -dit -p 1234:80 -v /prod:/usr/local/htdocs/ — name d_web httpd
- d : this command use to detach the container
- it : this command run interactive terminal
- p : this command give the port
- v : mount the folder
Step 3:- create job for for master branch
In this step create a job for master branch and run the docker container and deploy the webpage.
ste4:- Create job for merge the dev branch and master branch
In this step create a job to merge all the branch and run the container and deploy the webpage.
Thanks #vimal sir give great idea to integration of the docker and jenkins to run container deploy the web page.