Arth-Task-18(Setup of Wordpress and RDS database using AWS service)

Neeteesh Yadav
6 min readJan 16, 2021


In this artical we learn some service of AWS and solve one use case using AWS services.

Task Descriptions…………………..

step1:- Create an AWS EC2 instance
step2:-Configure the instance with Apache Webserver.
step3:-Download php application name “WordPress”.
step4:-As wordpress stores data at the backend in MySQL Database server.Therefore, you need to setup a MySQL server using AWS RDS service using Free Tier.
step5:-Provide the endpoint/connection string to the WordPress application to make it work.

Solution of task steps by steps…………………….!

step1:- Create an AWS EC2 instance.

This step using some small of steps to launch any ec2 service, Solving this step need some AWS AMI(Amazon Machine image) service use this service to find a operating system images or boot able images. Need some instance type to provide Ram and CPU s to systems. Third section need some security groups and region where you launch your instance.Fourth section need EBS service provide block of storage to boot our systems. In the Fifth section we need give some name of our EC2 instance. In the sixth steps give some rules to security or firewall to access the public world or private worlds. In the seven steps review all he previous steps and last steps create security key and launch the instance or service.

Above image show the finally launch ec2 instance some informatics related to ec2 instances like public and private IP’s, status of ec2 instance and much more.

step2:-Configure the instance with Apache Webserver.

In this step we configure web server using some basic steps like,

1-Install the software.

2- Create a one web page.

3- Start the webserver.

Installation of software use some basic command like,

yum install httpd

Yum command is installation command, yum use to install any software in the redhat operating systems.

Using ssh key concepts access the ec2 instance in the local system and run above command install httpd software.

Above image show the how to access the ec2 instance in the local system and how to access root system on the ec2 instance.

Above image show the installation of httpd software.confirmation httpd download or not use commands like,

rpm -q httpd

Second step create a simple web page using vi Linux editor,

Third step we use command to start the web service,and check the status of httpd server

systemctl start httpd

systemctl status httpd

Using IP’s address show the web page run or not…………

step3:-Download php application name “WordPress”.

In this step we install PHP software and we install version of PHP compatible with word-press. We use some basic step to solve this use case like.

1- Install php software

2- Install the wordpress

Step1:- Installation of PHP software …………..

In the ec2 instance By default support PHP version 5.4.16 But word-press need PHP version 7 or 7+ show amazon image provide some command to install or update the old version to required version. Use some basic Linux command remove previous version and install update version. We use commands like,

yum remove php*

Use above command to remove all the related PHP packages.

sudo amazon-linux-extras install php7.3

Use above command to launch new version of PHP version, word press support new version 7.3 or above.

Use command to check PHP version install or not.

php -v

Use command to restart apache server.

systemctl restart httpd

2- Install the word-press………………..

Use some basic steps to install word-press and configure word press on PHP.

Use below command to download word-press image.


Use below command to unzip the folder.

tar -xzvf latest.tar.gz

Using IP address to show the web page.

Above image show the download word-press image on the system and configure php version compatible with word-press. And next step we create database using AWS RDS (Relational Database service).

step4:-As wordpress stores data at the backend in MySQL Database server.Therefore, you need to setup a MySQL server using AWS RDS service using Free Tier.

In this step we use some basic terms and terminology use to create RDS AWS service, Launching RDS or Database service we need which type we data base are use like MySQL or PostgreSQL or any database. We need which port database work, we need some versions of database, we need region which AWS region we want to configure database.We also need security gruops to give public access or not to database.

If want to connect with RDS database with local system we need MySQL install in the local system and use some basic commands to connect with database, like

mysql -h ***RDS DNS service name*** -u **username** -P

Use above similar command to connect with database in the local systems.

Use command like

mysql -v

to show MySQL install or not .

Use above step to solve next step, Next step we connect word-press with AWS RDS service.

step5:-Provide the endpoint/connection string to the WordPress application to make it work.

Final step of this task in this we connect WordPress with database, In the above we learn how to install WordPress and database AWS service.In this step we connect both service and deploy one page.

Above image show some file of WordPress copy all content and save the page and click the run the installation box.Next option come give some information about page which type of page we want to create.

Above image ask some information about my page like title of the page username password ans some more information.When submit all information come with new page or dashboard of WordPress.

Above image show dashboard of WordPress use dashboard create new page and blog publish the public word to see your blog and articals.Next we create one introduction page of myself.


In this task we learn some how to use WordPress and RDS service and solve such type of task.



Neeteesh Yadav
Neeteesh Yadav

Written by Neeteesh Yadav

Technical Enthusiast | MlOps(Machine learning + Operations)| DevOps Assembly Line| Hybrid Multi cloud

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